
Let’s Hear From a Graduate!
Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu

Let’s Hear From a Graduate!

In addition to receiving financial support, I enjoyed attending workshops that Amantombazana hosted annual workshops for a small group of high school and university to discuss various topics relating to girls and women in Zimbabwe.

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Working Together to Break the Bias - Part 3
Samantha Nontsikelelo Dube Samantha Nontsikelelo Dube

Working Together to Break the Bias - Part 3

The ability to open up and share such experiences and solutions was made possible by the existence of a safe space. Perhaps this is what I appreciate the most about Amantombazana. Women and girls are being empowered to use their voices through the provision of a platform on which to use them. It is important that such spaces are available for women and girls of all ages, in every community.

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Working Together to Break the Bias - Part 2
Samantha Nontsikelelo Dube Samantha Nontsikelelo Dube

Working Together to Break the Bias - Part 2

The harm of such narratives that portray women as nurturers and a resilient group, has implications that go beyond the challenges faced at home: they also impact other areas of a woman’s life including health, the workplace, academic and religious institutions amongst others, which shape the woman’s lived experiences.

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Working Together to Break the Bias - Part 1
Samantha Nontsikelelo Dube Samantha Nontsikelelo Dube

Working Together to Break the Bias - Part 1

Like most countries, Zimbabwe still has a long way to go in being a place in which it is safe to be female, as documented by the vastly shared experiences of women and girls in the country. Although commendable steps have been taken towards addressing key issues that affect women and girls in the country, they still leave a lot to be desired.

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Giving Tuesday: Ways to Help
Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu

Giving Tuesday: Ways to Help

We are so grateful for your support and the ways you have enabled us to improve the lives of girls, specifically in keeping them focused on their education, during an exceptionally difficult year. This Giving Tuesday, we are calling on you for your support once more, so we can continue to help girls stay in school and become the leaders of tomorrow.

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Let’s Continue to Celebrate Women, Beyond Women’s History Month
Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu

Let’s Continue to Celebrate Women, Beyond Women’s History Month

As the whole world celebrates March as Women’s History Month, Amatombazana, Inc. recognizes the roles played by women, past and present, to make this world a better place.

We are devoted to ensuring that women continue to be celebrated by helping the less privileged girls in Bulawayo and Matabeleland North and South, Zimbabwe, to continue to fully engage in their education at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has made in-class learning impossible.

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Salibonani, hello!
Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu

Salibonani, hello!

I am so pleased that you are here to learn more about Amantombazana today. We have been working on the idea for the Amantombazana non-profit for a little over a year now. I first had the idea a few years ago, and I am very excited that through the hard work and dedication of my skeleton crew, we have been able to formalize it and launch our website today.

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Our Story
Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu Priscilla Mtungwa Ndlovu

Our Story

During colonial rule, women were without capacity to make their own decisions or establish businesses without male intervention and leadership. These challenges are, unfortunately, still prevalent throughout Zimbabwe notably in Bulawayo, Matabeleland North, South and Midlands' provinces, collective referred to as Matabeleland.

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