Let’s Continue to Celebrate Women, Beyond Women’s History Month

As the whole world celebrates March as Women’s History Month, Amatombazana, Inc. recognizes the roles played by women, past and present, to make this world a better place. 

We are devoted to ensuring that women continue to be celebrated by helping the less privileged girls in Bulawayo and Matabeleland North and South, Zimbabwe, to continue to fully engage in their education at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has made in-class learning impossible.

The shift to virtual learning has been an enormous challenge for people all over the world, and especially for those without access to technology. At Amantombazana we want to ensure that the girls we are sponsoring do not miss out on their education and are able to keep up with their classmates through the pandemic.

We are pleased to let you know that your generous donations were used to purchase three Chromebooks, two of which were given to girls at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Bulawayo and one to a girl at Lupane National University in Matabeleland North. 

Below, Herzel shares how appreciative she is for the assistance she receives through Amantombazana.


My name is Herzel Nobukhosi Mbuyisa. l am currently a student enrolled at Lupane State University in Zimbabwe. I am doing a Bachelor of Social Science Honors Degree in Development Studies. I am very grateful to Amantombazana for giving me the opportunity to go to University and attain my degree. I would like to thank Amantombazana for paying my school fees and providing a computer for me. Receiving a computer has brought a huge impact in my studies, now that l am able to type my school assignments and group projects by saving a lot of time and can access online lessons without any difficulty and store my notes in the computer. I am very grateful to Amantombazana, thank you.



Giving Thanks for Our First Year


Salibonani, hello!