Let’s Hear From a Graduate!

We are incredibly proud of Samkele, who recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree. She worked hard and is a role model for other girls supported by Amantombazana. Here’s what Samkele had to say about her experience with our program.

“I am ecstatic to have graduated  in November 2022 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biotechnology from the National University of Science and Technology in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

I am very grateful for the support that I received from Amantombazana since January 2020. The organization paid my tuition fees and University expenses including providing a laptop. I made it through university because of the financial support and the encouragement that I received from the Amantombazana.

In addition to receiving financial support, I benefited from participating at workshops hosted annually to discussing girl and women issues. In addition, Amantombazana organized workshops to celebrate Women International and Girl Child Days. The organization often invited guest speakers to discuss various topics related to girl and women’s issues.  

The workshops were invaluable in that they provided a safe space for young girls to share freely about their experiences. It has been a pleasure being part of a community of women and girls chasing after their dreams through education. I hope that my success inspires the “next sister” to press on towards her goals.”

- Samkele Mtonga

Congratulations, Samkele! We can’t wait to see what is next for you!


Working Together to Break the Bias - Part 3